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IMA-H.Q. and all other state IMAs have web sites,e news letters,emagazines.

our andhra pradesh state IMA decided to make an interactive blog to convey & exchange the thoughts of the members.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

IMA , to endorse or not ? Medico, to be a doctor or not to be ?

IMA , to endorse or not ? Medico, to be a doctor or not to be ?

IMA doing endorsements -

to raise & strengthen its financial muscle to execute various health care programs through its country wide net work of 1800 local IMA branches .to participate in public-private mix projects along with govt ,other NGOs and other like minded corporate houses ,IMA needs funding.

IMA is serving the humanity by sensitizing and empowering the doctors and public to various social maladies and epidemic out breaks and natural disasters .off late some agencies, persons and constitutional bodies criticizing the IMA regarding endorsements and questioning the ethical & moral values of IMA BY IGNORING CONVENIENTLY the service, it's delivering.

one thing, i have to impress is that our IMA is doing what ever is the best for achieving those objectives registered under societies act. its a normal practice for all NGOs in the world , doing various projects by entering in to business agreements & endorsements with various companies. IMA is such a NGO compelling to deliver its service to the health system of our country.
Govt & MCI are very eager to introduce SHORT TERM TRUNCATED COURSE - BRHC , Which is a retrograde and degrading step . they can non-chalantly amend some acts to suit their whims & fancies which is a blatant violation of the indian medical degrees act and MCI act.But these authorities are not bothered to amend and empower the acts and IPC sections to prohibit the quacks in our country.

some recent decisions of MCI with out considering the cross opinion of all stake holders -

1. Extending the age limits up 70 yrs , which facilitates retired segment those already getting pension and other benefits . If the MCI really worried about the shortage of faculties then they could have allowed thousands of PG diploma holders for the faculty positions in respective branches with certain criteria like research publication or extended time duration like 5 yr of senior resident ship. After all there is only the difference of thesis and one extra year in the residency which does not guarantee of superior quality.

2. MCI is reducing the number of posts of asst. and associate professors per unit jeopardizing training of the quality clinical skills.
3. MCI has been reduced minimum quality requirements to establish mushrooming of medical schools nationwide with out taking consideration of demand & supply. our existing medical schools in south india are producing enough MBBS doctors but what we need are specialist doctors. with vast demographic variations there is a varied demand and supply. and with known fact that the north india ,western india and north eastern india needs more medical colleges, the decision must be applicable to only those deficit parts instead of nationwide.
The authorities has wasted plenty of time by disallowing the DNB holders as teaching faculty.

Mission shoot the doctor-

EVERY ONE IS TARGETING THE DOCTORS negatively with Consumer protection act,criminal negligence ,SC&ST atrocities act and any act that suit their venegence and adding salt to the wound , manhandling the doctors and destroying costly equipment and blowing & sensitizing the issues in media.some one proclaims the hospitals are factories and industries and eager to slap labour act,corporate tax , sales tax, commercial tax and excise tax.some one says the doctors are bandikoots.another one eager to collect luxury tax from hospitals thinking that the healthcare is luxury.some one says that medical records must be kept for 3yrs ,ignoring that the valuable documents of the govt never be kept even for one year.
what the society think of doctors ? proclaiming that doctor's profession is noblest one and beating them to the hallow is like hanging the Damocles sword over the necks of doctors. its a dangerous paradox of our country.
Qualified Doctors in our country have to comply with 41 types of acts and regulations,but the tragedy is, leaving the quacks let loose and allowing what ever they want.
it shows that Health authorities and MCI doesn't care about quality medical education and quality health care delivery and in course they are encouraging the urban-rural disparity & discrimination.
every politician ,media and authorities interested in crticising the doctors for all maladies and deficiencies of nation's health. They are not talking about spurious drugs,deficiency in health infrastructure, lacunae in vaccine cold chain,deficit of drug testing labs ,quackery,unqualified labs and deficiency of paramedic&nursing staff.
Remember,health is different from health care. Doctors are one small bolt in this gigantic health machinery. seeing the health spectrum with narrow vision and making the doctors scape goats has became a habit of every one in our country.

Its a clarion call of IMA on behalf of MEDICAL FRATERNITY of our country -
please understand the predicament of the doctor and their associations.Please don't put the doctor on false neo-pedestal of nobility. please treat every doctor as human being.
still,if every one thinks ,doctor is the sole &whole player , please empower the IMA by transferring the constitutional powers from BABUs of COLONIAL caricature.
IMA sincerely requests -please supply safe potable water to every citizen.please supply balanced food to every woman & child .please control mosquitoes. please implement road safety.please control the alcohol, tobacco and drugs- With these simple measures,90% of our country's illness will be wiped out. the country will save one lac crore rupees every anum.

Believe us, IMA is ever ready to participate as concerned player in evolution of health care in india...

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